Tom Chatfield

This quote was added by lajandreas
From exam grading to health education to professional training to democratic participation, paths towards self-realization and success in the world are often daunting and obscure: journeys only the privileged feel confident setting off along.

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typingmaster123 154.70 100%
69buttpractice 140.52 100%
penguino_beano 139.64 98.8%
hackertyper492 137.69 97.2%
user939249 136.92 99.2%
am4sian 136.83 100%
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venerated 134.60 97.2%
a_______204_gel 130.24 100%
marchtoglory 129.04 97.2%

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lynchrobinson 104.29 96.0%
rkoh 82.99 92.7%
user110301 76.55 94.2%