Fake Empire Study - Maria V. Snyder - The Stars -

This quote was added by megika
Sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever." "When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire." "I made a mistake in my life today, everything I love gets lost in drawers, I want to start over, I want to be winning way out of sync from the beginning.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
lome 144.21 98.6%
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dreamsonfire 112.61 98.9%
dante-didit 107.74 100%
jaesynn 105.68 98.2%
heyitsmelx 104.64 94.2%
crtuttle 104.24 98.9%
delacruz.danilojr 103.77 97.5%
xbyrjunx 102.72 99.6%

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user746708 61.08 96.5%
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user85179 89.02 96.9%