Software - Software Quote

This quote was added by isotrex
It's copyrightable like a book. It's patentable like a mouse trap. It can hold trade secrets, like a glass of Coca Cola. The consumer has to "sign" a contract to use it, like a cellphone account. Advertising pitches can be included for a captive audience, just like a movie theater. It's artificially expensive, like a diamond. It's a recurring source of support revenue, like a lawn service. Its creator can disavow all liability for anything that may go wrong, and get away with it.

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kiriiya 3 years, 8 months ago

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user409674 115.79 93.3%
applesonlsd 115.07 95.3%
typist_type 110.52 97.2%
angiejemmings 109.28 98.8%
zaoxa 105.27 94.4%
ermichelsen 104.97 94.7%
myridium 104.10 98.2%
user74975 104.07 95.5%
strikeemblem 103.14 94.5%
algo 101.40 97.2%

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user110047 55.75 93.4%
user421490 60.55 91.5%
strikeemblem 100.53 95.0%