Random Fun Fact - nps.gov

This quote was added by ranchjuice2
The teddy bear is named after President Theodore Roosevelt. After he refused to shoot a captured black bear on a hunt, a stuffed-animal maker decided to create a bear and name it after the President.

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toinfinity 142.09 98.0%
user491757 136.06 100%
forkhunter 126.28 96.6%
gordonlew 125.15 99.0%
user74975 124.90 99.0%
rivendellis 122.63 99.5%
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hackertyper492 117.33 92.6%

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oowwaauu 53.96 99.0%
siennas 79.19 94.8%
amritaramdeen99 31.81 87.3%