Circle Series - Ted Dekker

This quote was added by kaladin
How can there be love without a true choice? Would you suggest that man be stripped of the capacity to love? This was the Great Romance. To love at any cost.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 193.57 100%
69buttpractice 159.27 100%
user491757 157.28 100%
user291759 153.17 100%
berryberryberry 149.22 97.5%
vmlm 148.85 100%
srm 147.33 96.9%
user64764 143.76 98.7%
venerated 143.58 98.7%
junkbaby 143.29 98.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
the_hornburg 78.05 96.9%
maadj 83.94 95.2%
adriana-b 59.78 90.8%
bsbll62004 55.91 81.3%
mian_mohsin-ch 27.24 81.8%
user111526 43.64 87.8%
toshiwa42 33.29 84.0%
magesh 74.88 91.8%