Despedida de Garrosh - World of Warcraft

This quote was added by davidatasas
Recuerda, Sylvanas Brisaveloz, eventualmente todos tendremos que enfrentarnos a nuestro creador y enfrentar el juicio. Tu día puede llegar antes que otros...

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yogurt 182.98 100%
user474117 173.03 100%
seagull 118.36 98.7%
mllozano 99.45 96.9%
flicey 99.23 97.5%
getawaycarscat 97.81 97.5%
user55 97.26 95.2%
pjam 95.35 95.7%
rare 94.73 98.7%
reqbauti 94.48 97.5%

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user108879 87.25 91.8%
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morango83 63.66 94.6%
user264101 71.50 88.8%
user264101 67.76 87.2%