Jenny K.

This quote was added by jennyxkiim
The higher you stand, the higher your fear of falling will be. But if you choose not to walk because you are afraid of falling, then you'll never be able to make your way to the other side.

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user871724 195.84 100%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
boyfrombangladesh 146.88 100%
rivendellis 146.50 99.0%
terrygrosscpr 141.25 96.9%
laserray33 140.63 100%
analord 140.34 99.0%
vmlm 138.36 99.0%
mrsjsmiley 137.75 100%
kylejasperse 134.09 97.4%

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user111581 68.95 92.6%
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user110706 69.77 94.0%
user110301 90.86 92.2%
cmontero94 74.98 97.9%