Your Enemy - -your enemy

This quote was added by kanthvagale
I don't know what could constitute hardest but "stewardesses" and "johnny-jump-up" are commonly mentioned as hard to type because they don't alternate hands. I'm not sure if anyone's figured out one based on travel distance.

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strikeemblem 118.40 98.2%
rivendellis 115.90 97.4%
tetriks5 112.17 95.7%
kyle_w 107.16 98.2%
spiritowl 103.28 97.8%
kenneth27 100.99 94.1%
geryjs 100.53 95.3%
iltranscendent 100.15 96.6%
thorgott2 98.98 92.2%
adrianpb 98.80 93.7%

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user342760 37.26 91.1%
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sskanan1988 13.03 86.3%
magesh 79.96 91.1%
kyrwhit 41.04 93.4%
slow 71.90 95.3%
jl.jielin 80.04 93.3%