Work - Ghost Ciggy

This quote was added by ghostciggy7
If you have any questions, please let me know. That has to be the fastest sentence I can type as I am always doing it. Should I continue on with this quiz tailoring everything to my skill set or should I start adding in parentheses and other symbols to throw the speed off?

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venerated 150.71 98.2%
2001or2 137.50 94.8%
seantype2510 131.54 98.2%
bennyues 125.73 96.1%
user381085 123.06 97.8%
rivendellis 122.21 97.8%
iltranscendent 122.12 97.8%
strikeemblem 119.23 96.8%
dcb87 117.87 100%
rayang 117.47 97.5%

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user110706 64.06 92.2%
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astriodfox 62.54 92.5%
adriana-b 74.31 96.5%
user724289 105.93 97.5%
orish123 53.70 90.3%