B. Nelson

This quote was added by maya
When the world seems like it wants to kill you, remember those who love you and those who do care because they will be the ones who miss you if you go... forget whether life loves or hates you, it's the people in life that matter.

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dreamsonfire 12 years, 9 months ago
That's a very nice thought, bne07190 :D
You're right, this quote is very inspirational.
bne071690 12 years, 10 months ago
I love this quote!! If you don't mind I want to copy it down and put it in my own words!! I say "put it in my own words" because I don't want anyone thinking I wrote or came up with this! As well as rewriting it i will make it a point to say *Maya* is the real master mind behind it all!! LOL Thank you for your words they are very inspiring and ill be looking forward to seeing more of your quotes here, if so!! God Bless and Good Morning!

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