naveen4779 Naveen Kumar


Trend over 493 games.
Rango 216559 / 327359
Número de juegos 493
Best game 48.59
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Mejor velocidad 36.49
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La velocidad se expresa en PPM (Palabras Por Minuto).
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Pruebas de mecanografía recientes

Don Hertzfeldt 34.70 96.9% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Gabriel Garcia Marquez 33.74 97.9% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Terry Pratchett 38.33 96.7% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Emily Bronte 36.18 97.4% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Stephen King 37.57 98.3% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Lucas Scott 35.00 97.9% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
George Leonard 36.47 99.4% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Ted Talk 34.53 98.3% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
Mr.Ace 35.46 97.9% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
e.r.b 28.79 96.6% 5 años, 11 meses atrás
The crowd surged forward through the narrow streets of Paris. There was a clatter of shutters being closed hastily by trembling hands-the citizens of Paris knew that once the fury of the people was excited, there was no telling what they might do. They came to an old house which had a workshop on the ground floor. A head popped out of the door to see what it was all about. “Get him! Get Thimonier! Smash his devilish machines!” yelled the crowd. They found the workshop without its owner. M. Thimonier had escaped by the back door. Now the fury of the demonstrators turned against the machines that were standing in the shop, ready to be delivered to buyers. They were systematically broken up and destroyed-dozens of them. For more study material visit Perhaps now they would find work, for the were all unemployed tailors and seamstresses who believed that their livelihood was threatened by that new invention.

The public distribution system, which provides food at low prices, is a subject of vital concern. There is a growing realization that though India has enough food to feed its masses two square meals a day, the monster of starvation and food insecurity continues to haunt the poor in our country. Increasing the purchasing power of the poor through providing productive employment leading to rising income, and thus good standard of living, is the ultimate objective of public policy. However, till then, there is a need to provide assured supply of food through a restructured, more efficient and decentralized public distribution system (PDS).

Although the PDS is extensive-it is one of the largest such systems in the world-it hasn’t reached the rural poor and the remote places. It remains an urban phenomenon, with the majority of the rural poor still out of its reach due to lack of economic and physical access. The poorest in the cities and the migrants are left out, for they generally do not possess ration cards. The allocation of PDS supplies in big cities is larger than in rural areas. In view of such deficiencies in the system, the PDS urgently needs to be streamlined. Also, considering the large food grains production combined with food subsidy on one hand and the continuing slow starvation and dismal poverty of rural population on the other, there is a strong case for making PDS target group oriented. By making PDS target group oriented, not only the poorest and the neediest would be reached without additional cost but we can also reduce the overall costs incurred.
Último inicio de sesión 6 años, 2 meses atrás
Fecha de ingreso 6 años, 2 meses atrás
Teclado / Ordenador Portátil Logitech
Asignación de teclado Other
Uso de la computadora 0-4 horas / día
Citas 0



