Typing tips - Rjnal

This quote fue agregado por rjnal
My tip to improve your typing speed is to slow the time. What really helped me improve my typing speed is plenty of time doing nothing. When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I buy a new keyboard.

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i want to type 150+ wpm like all the cool kids in the leaderboards :((((

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user871724 181.14 97.7%
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hackertyper492 151.25 97.7%
user491757 148.66 98.2%
rivendellis 144.16 100%
poopgaming555 143.58 99.1%
alexnguyen11 143.12 97.3%
alv_gr8 143.07 99.1%
junkbaby 143.02 99.5%
seantype2510 139.83 97.7%

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