Work Life - Ashley Rosetta

This quote fue agregado por rosetta123
As I am sitting here typing at work, trying to make my 12 hour shift more fun I can't help but think about needing a vacation! All I do is work, work, work!! 12 hour shifts 7 days a week, no life, just work. Sicker than a dog and still slaving away. I NEED A VACATION!!

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user420192 103.77 96.8%
rosetta123 92.61 96.8%
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hammadalinasir 28.15 88.3%
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user420192 88.81 95.1%
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ratgirl555 59.52 94.1%
rosetta123 92.61 96.8%
hammadalinasir 28.15 88.3%
user111394 15.49 81.5%
rosetta123 70.73 85.6%