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Henry Rollins
You. Yes, you. Go get some sleep.

Jessica Nite
Bro, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a break every once in a while. If your wrist …

Albert Einstein
I don't even know how to type the ² in the test as copy paste …

Alexia Orozco
De acuerdo.

Nice, m'kay!


sp33dytyp3rg0d's quotes

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Orion Walz-Burkett - faster typing
Here is a quick quote with easy words to help improve your wpm. He likes to eat all of the apple pie. I makes him feel good. He also like to eat various types of cake too. This guy is named JD. JD has to eat tons of pie and cake to get his daily fix of sugar. He also is a fast typer, and loves to mess around with key hero to help him type even faster. This quote should almost be over so, bye.