Life - Autumn Monroe

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย user64657
Life is a swirl of a mess. Every day is a new day. Stop sitting around and thinking about the negative and open your eyes to the amazing fact that you are alive and healthy and safe. Not everyone in this world is so lucky. Don't forget to stop and tell your loved ones you love them. Every day is a mystery and you never know when they are not going to be there. Also, don't forget to pay it forward. You never know when it's going to be you in need.


3.3 out of 5 based on 66 ratings.



(Changes are manually reviewed)


weesin 5 ปี, 1 เดือน ที่แล้ว
"Everyday" should be typed as "every day". And you need a comma after the word 'also' in the last sentence.

This entire quote is quite awkwardly written and could benefit from some editing.

ทดสอบทักษะของคุณ, ลอง ทดสอบการพิมพ์.

Score (WPM) การกระจายสำหรับคำคมนี้. เพิ่มเติม.

คะแนนที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับ typing test

ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
inw_typer 163.00 67%
brainfreezy 140.97 97.4%
samuraininja 139.69 96.8%
brandonrules 135.03 99.1%
techintosh12 131.37 98.0%
vmlm 128.20 97.8%
starl1ng 128.12 98.9%
heiga 128.10 98.5%
tyler 125.76 98.2%
therobotclustr2 122.74 98.5%

เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้สำหรับ

ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
ayanak 60.33 92.8%
the_only_one 66.56 97.4%
reamerton 82.14 96.2%
bububu002 36.21 96.8%
munols 110.77 92.8%
sarynbek 81.15 94.9%
tengugod 57.41 88.8%
kensmom825 94.96 94.7%