Excerpt from "Notes from Underground" - Fyodor Dostoevsky

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย phraznikov
What does reason know? Reason knows only what it has managed to learn (some things, perhaps, it will never learn; this is no consolation, but why not say it anyway?), while human nature acts as an entire whole, with everything that is in it, consciously and unconsciously, and though it lies, still it lives.


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berryberryberry 137.58 92.4%
hackertyper492 133.37 96.9%
venerated 129.61 98.7%
vanilla 129.58 98.7%
lirich90 129.41 97.8%
sil 129.05 95.7%
tehnoir 127.58 97.2%
alex_orr 126.91 97.5%
user74975 126.79 97.2%
vmlm 125.68 96.9%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
jacqueline1234 107.11 96.9%
huntergordon 56.69 95.1%
user830398 83.59 94.8%
realfaker 48.11 96.6%
scribop 114.91 98.4%
user101715 60.72 96.9%
bkbroiler 66.44 88.8%
grnsarma 69.06 98.1%