A Gallagher Wedding Novella - Ally Carter

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย misswhit12
I was faintly aware of the changing light. A shining, shimmering glow seemed to cover the scaffolding and the woods, the PE barn, and the white tents that caught the fleeting bits of sun. All that was left of the mansion was stone and ash, but my home was there. Forever.


3.7 out of 5 based on 23 ratings.



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user871724 172.88 97.8%
mrlazav 152.44 100%
user627603 147.68 97.8%
restspeaker 145.72 98.2%
gbzaid 145.45 99.3%
alextest11 143.19 98.9%
zhengfeilong 142.44 98.2%
violet12333 138.51 97.1%
seantype2510 138.11 99.6%
user491757 136.70 96.8%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
user348838 31.33 88.9%
snarkster 74.34 98.9%
tsquared76 67.09 90.9%
user957814 73.29 93.1%
bkbroiler 77.28 92.2%
airi 111.27 97.5%
sabrinaelder970 94.35 96.4%
user105493 86.06 94.8%