Leçon : Lettres

Cette leçon vous permet de travailler sur un ensemble de caractères de votre choix. Pour chaque exercice, une liste de mots au hasard sera générée. Chaque mot sera basé sur les caractères indiqués.

Le réglage par défaut est d'inclure des caractères à partir du clavier QWERTY. Chaque mot sera entre 3 et 7 caractères. La leçon se termine après 5 exercices.

Selon la disposition de votre clavier, vous pouvez modifier le jeu de caractères. Par exemple, si vous utilisez la disposition COLEMAK, les lettres 'arstneio', sont un bon choix.

Vous êtes libre de modifier les paramètres suivant vos besoins.

If you are looking for a more complete solution, with lessons and monitoring of each student progress, try Test pour les écoles.

Leçon : Numéros

Those exercises will help you learn to typing letters on a keyboard. If you just click Start Typing, you will get a series of random numbers from 3 to 6 numbers. The lesson will finish once you complete 5 exercises.

Once you master the numbers from 0 to 9, you can start adding extra elements like "." or operators like "+-". Just click on the check-boxes next to the element you want to add. You may also customize the size of the numbers and the number of exercises.

If you are just starting to learn to type. You can leave the default settings and click Start Typing. Once you get comfortable and achieve a good speed and accuracy, you can change the exercise settings.

Typing lesson: Programming

Use --- between keywords

These exercises will help you learn to type programming keywords on a keyboard. If you just click Start Typing, you will receive a series of randomly generated keywords for your selected language. The lesson will end once you complete five exercises.

You may also customize the set of keywords you want to practice.

If you are just starting to learn to type. You can leave the default settings and click Start Typing. Once you become comfortable and achieve a good speed and accuracy, you can change the exercise settings.