Don't Tell Me How Easy You've Made It - Anonymous

This quote a été ajouté par madamebutterfly
I do just fine on most quotes. But whenever someone adds a quote explaining how they just made it so easy and all the words are simple to type and it'll increase my wpm, it just ensures that I'm going to make more mistakes than normal. It's almost like a jinx. Just make a regular sentence and I have a higher chance of getting it right.

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slowtyper237 1 année, 9 mois avant
What a strange place this is
llamalland 2 années avant
Anything that tries to be a meta-quote takes me off-track, especially ones like this. Don't try to submit something you made up, it's dumb and it's not a quote.
gratfilms1 2 années, 8 mois avant
It definitely messes with your mind somehow. EVERYTIME!
shet 3 années, 2 mois avant
lmao the fact that the best scores for this quote has no 100% accuracy
kiriiya 3 années, 3 mois avant
The quirkies are gonna be very angy about this one.
camberden 4 années, 9 mois avant
Those quotes have some funky magic to them that makes me trip up a ton.

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Meilleurs scores pour typing test

Nom MPM Précision
typin_ 173.84 97.4%
user871724 173.06 97.4%
aight 161.55 98.5%
lome 150.49 97.1%
user69245 148.90 99.1%
user267992 146.87 98.0%
alliekarakosta 142.50 98.0%
am4sian 140.85 98.3%
user717489 137.60 100%
johnymaccarroni 137.42 95.8%

Récemment pour

Nom MPM Précision
user871724 173.06 97.4%
user103663 99.90 98.3%
rkoh 81.31 91.1%
user111357 28.07 96.8%
bkbroiler 77.27 90.8%
kicko 87.17 89.9%
yoko 71.00 86.0%
sarynbek 73.04 94.1%