Metacognition - James Carroll (me)

This quote a été ajouté par nerdknight66
Hello. You are typing this. You are looking at blinking lights, the result of billions of tiny switches switching in front of you, and in a server far, far away. And as you observe these tiny lights, trillions of neurons fire in your brain. They trigger muscles, which trigger buttons, which flip more switches. And now, you are done typing this.

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neveronground 3 années, 1 mois avant
Shame you never got to see it then.
tentaclemonster 3 années, 1 mois avant
Always fun to see people triggered by these types of quotes lul
promethes 4 années, 5 mois avant
divine_. 4 années, 7 mois avant

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

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