
This quote a été ajouté par ibcnunabit
Libertarianism is the philosophy which says that you can run your life better than the government can, and you have the right to be left alone in order to do it.

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pedrosanchez007 12 années avant
Libertarianism is the political idea which says that the vulnerable or those born with less intelligence or access to education should not be helped by society, and that those who are more fortunate or successful have the right not to see or be bothered with their suffering. Mexico accidentally, is a good example of libertarianism as its government fails to provide basic services. As a result of the outrageous inequality, rampant corruption, civil war - like levels of security, chronically underfunded education and healthcare provision, its people flock to the US, where these services are provided and ironically some politics students would rather not have them. Or maybe my definition of libertarianism is a little one-sided?

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