typing game

Michael Hanson

This typing game a été ajouté par marc3
To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached. The key is action.

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Score (MPM) distribution pour cette citation. Plus.

Meilleurs scores pour typing game

Nom MPM Précision
typin_ 197.37 99.4%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
2001or2 154.36 97.6%
samuraininja 147.56 98.2%
strikeemblem 146.76 100%
hiramisu 144.99 100%
fuzz 143.64 99.4%
synnekorino 139.12 96.5%
user40438 138.05 99.4%
napalmcandy 137.58 99.4%

Récemment pour typing game

Nom MPM Précision
user112203 69.05 100%
andrew2002 87.20 100%
wearefriends1989 80.55 95.9%
jpmoul 93.11 98.2%
adriana-b 69.01 93.2%
rrapattoni 108.55 99.4%
theodufus 74.40 97.6%
mentalist 132.76 99.4%