The Worlds Gift -

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von karisene
The past is yesterday and soon forgotten. Tomorrow is a mystery that we can never solve. But today is something like a gift; that is why we call it the present.

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wisteria 12 Jahre vor
Irregular punctuation makes this difficult.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
2001or2 148.42 97.6%
ilovejujubee 147.81 99.4%
tsukasa 138.73 100%
360bypass 138.40 100%
user40438 134.01 100%
dreamsonfire 132.89 99.4%
user66882 132.51 95.2%
lytewerk 132.33 98.2%
texanandes 132.30 100%

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paranoidminotaur 98.71 93.6%
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2001or2 148.42 97.6%
kenneth27 127.63 100%
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puppy226 58.90 92.0%
memory_allocation 95.19 95.8%
bluejay 86.20 97.0%