My Opinion On Typing - Person

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mediocretyper33
I don't get why there are so many quotes on this website where people say they wrote a short quote so that people don't have to try as hard on it. To me, the point of this website is to be challenged so that you can become a better touch typist. It's not to choose the easy way out so you can have a higher WPM. You will only be skilled at typing once you actually try to become better and challenge yourself.

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pjmj 1 Woche, 6 Tage vor
well, I don't know why you wrote your quote but, it doesn't have to be the same condition or mentality for others as you do. Different people have different views and opinions so, it doesn't matter why you are here no this website. Just type and mind your own business, don't try to comment about other people writing short quotes. you do your job, let others do their job. don't poke your nose on other people's business.
sstruck007 10 Monate, 2 Wochen vor

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user871724 179.05 96.7%
seantype2510 145.10 99.3%
iltranscendent 130.47 97.4%
strikeemblem 127.60 97.1%
user975182 127.08 93.3%
afminto 125.33 98.6%
dcb87 124.53 98.8%
user381085 124.02 96.0%
spiritowl 123.55 99.3%
oops1 122.31 99.0%

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erasxed 65.48 86.7%
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hoyongryou 109.32 97.9%
lynnrq 58.68 98.3%
janetta64 61.43 99.8%
bkbroiler 78.22 90.5%
bugofcxread 67.90 92.5%