Learn You Haskell for Great Good! - Miran Lopivača

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von gedeon
Haskell is statically typed. This means that when you compile your program, the compiler knows which piece of code is a number, which is a string, and so on. Static typing means that a lot of possible errors can be caught at compile time. If you try to add together a number and a string, for example, the compiler will whine at you.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
prodigy5723 101.00 99.4%
grubbs 98.65 93.8%
gedeon 96.86 98.8%
iltranscendent 96.80 94.4%
vmlm 92.84 91.2%
mhalter3378 92.82 96.2%
quesadillas 90.21 95.7%
user55274 89.51 91.2%
bsmurthwaite 85.30 97.4%

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swatkhan 57.41 93.3%
user78528 79.29 92.2%
willowthewitch 68.26 94.1%
pes 62.39 89.8%
sashabusse 74.01 95.7%
sarynbek 66.89 93.8%
iltranscendent 96.80 94.4%
m_murasaki 82.92 97.1%