A few things - SOA - Jax Teller

This quote ble lagt til av kaylaym420
You know what, mom, I kind of have a few things on my plate today, like burying my best friend, so your need to be loved, worshipped, and adored is a little low on my list today.

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bvw 5 år, 6 måneder siden
How rude. (1) The living come first, albeit the dead should be buried with dignity and despatch. (2) One's mother and father are due the greatest of respect and deference.

This person, functional or fictional, is one nasty rude person. Perhaps he is not usually so, some patience and undertanding is need to a person so impacted by the death of a close friend. But ... clearly the persona so signified in this quote is boorish and juvenile too much, for in the extremes of life we see through to a person's core.

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