The makings of greatness - Long John Silver- Treasure Planet

This quote ble lagt til av katalyn08
You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course! Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And, well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day.

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greb 2 år, 3 måneder siden
This is my favorite movie <3
slowtyper237 3 år, 1 måned siden
the things you find on the internet. It scares me sometimes.
user512250 3 år, 8 måneder siden
The much talked resource sharing and library networking in Indian context often fails to
reach the bottom/operational level to reap fruits in terms of increased service and/or
decreased cost. The bottom-upward approach to resource sharing is rare. As such there
are no practical efforts like that of even 'conspectus' of RLG (Sridhar, 1997). Not many
sincere attempts are made to narrow the gap between idealistic theoretical slogans and
the practical implementations (Sridhar, 1995). The latest addition to list of slogans is
`consortia approach’. It is not new to libraries as cooperative acquisition as a way
collective decision making existed before. `Consortia approach’ to e-journals is a
marketing strategy of commercial publishers to get
continuous longer commitment from a group of
libraries for their journals.

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