So Far Away - Min Yoongi

This quote ble lagt til av jhayy12
I'm living because I can't die. But I don't have anything that I want to do. I'm in so much pain and loneliness but people around me keep telling me to regain my enthusiasm. I try to vent my anger but I only have myself, so what's the point of venting it anyway? And with that, I'm scared to open my eyes every day and start breathing. Even my friends and family are drifting away and I feel anxious as time passes by because it feels like I'm all by myself.

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amman66 9 måneder, 2 uker siden
It's okay, whatever are you going through people can related to you, all of us have gone through or are going through what you are feeling. And for a while have some distance from family and friends, and just be with yourself to see all your sides to the depth so you don't have anything left to see... And after that the question is that you should realize what is the root problem is and do something about it, don't hurry take it easy and slow. I hope that you will be fine and happy again, not just temporary but for eternity :)

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