Ivan Illich - Energy and Equity

This quote ble lagt til av gedeon
Total traffic is the result of two profoundly distinct modes of production. These can reinforce each other harmoniously only as long as the autonomous outputs are protected against the encroachment of the industrial product.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
nightdevil 145.34 94.9%
user37933 131.46 99.6%
gelbutovskiy_a 130.45 99.6%
charlesblackmon 124.79 100%
ilovejujubee 121.97 100%
strikeemblem 119.30 99.1%
stringerbell 118.98 99.1%
jpadtyping 118.81 95.7%
munchkinbug 116.78 99.1%

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rhonamaezing 73.14 98.7%
user100406 77.33 93.7%
dcastleburry 40.33 92.2%
muxedotask 80.79 94.1%
joseimperial 59.36 94.9%
user375921 43.58 92.2%
loay_jaber 61.01 87.2%
tsquared76 63.96 93.3%