The brain - Grey's Anatomy - Callie Torres

This quote נוסף על ידי kaylaym420
The brain is the human body's most mysterious organ. It learns. It changes. It adapts. It tells us what we see. What we hear. It lets us feel love. I think it holds our soul. And no matter how much research we do, no one can really say how all that delicate gray matter inside our skull works. And when it's hurt, when the human brain is traumatized, well, that's when it gets more mysterious.

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user263163 145.35 99.2%
stormspirit97 141.04 99.7%
ikasu 137.65 95.2%
hunterz1200 131.82 98.0%
imstaken 126.97 97.8%
incandenza 125.18 99.2%
ocean.side 122.76 99.7%
sampleboy 121.93 97.3%
zhengfeilong 120.41 96.8%
tomchu77 118.20 97.0%

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typefighter 82.53 96.3%
trishadgk 103.68 95.2%
jemjem 71.08 92.3%
jessicarusso416 93.48 99.7%
jrmquitless 82.75 95.9%
adfuson83 68.34 95.2%
jambeau06 58.92 99.0%
falsesu 71.47 98.5%