Arsen: a broken love story - Asher Mia

This quote נוסף על ידי deaptrn
However, I'm afraid that such hope won't last forever. Cruel reality has a way of always catching up with you, no matter how fast or how far you run; reality has a way to destroy one's hopes and dreams. Reality doesn't caress your cheek, letting you know what's to come. No, reality slaps you across the face harshly, reminding you that a dream is just that... a dream.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

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2.9 out of 5 based on 43 ratings.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user263163 142.96 95.8%
vmlm 135.33 99.2%
zhengfeilong 134.47 99.2%
brainfreezy 132.35 96.1%
ikasu 130.85 94.6%
howlinghexagram 127.62 98.9%
user267992 127.15 100%
starl1ng 126.06 99.7%
jadedtofu 125.69 98.1%
lawd 124.49 96.4%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
trishadgk 91.64 88.7%
willowthewitch 80.52 97.1%
truewpm 87.00 97.4%
user933471 51.30 91.8%
loay_jaber 70.32 94.1%
typefighter 99.01 98.7%
user90997 90.97 92.0%
user98852 107.19 97.9%