The Past is Not Past - OCULUS

This quote נוסף על ידי oculus
People look at me weird when I say I don't see my hands the same way as they do. To me, the shape of the human hand is a reminder of our primal past and the world humans work so hard to separate themselves from today. A reminder that along the incredible path that has led to me being here, the quest for survival has slowly been worn down into something else entirely. The search for answers has shifted so many times that we forgot to answer the first question. Why are we doing all this anyway?

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

דרג ציטוט זה:
2.8 out of 5 based on 39 ratings.

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או פשוט השאר תגובה:

weesin 5 שנים, 3 חודשים לפני
Great quote. If you wrote it yourself, congratulations on being one of the few users on this site that can construct a proper sentence!

בדוק את מיומנויותיך, תקודד במהירות של מבחן הקלדה.

Score (מילים לדקה) הפצה לציטוט זה. עוד.

התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור typing test

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
wolfram 148.62 96.5%
zhengfeilong 142.63 98.4%
venerated 140.71 99.4%
berryberryberry 137.01 93.3%
adilzinoune 134.54 98.8%
penguino_beano 134.28 94.7%
user37933 133.73 96.5%
keyherohero 132.99 95.0%
lirich90 132.57 98.4%
am4sian 130.98 97.1%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
rayk 123.27 94.0%
space_cadet 116.04 97.1%
ogdenroyal 55.39 91.5%
lphuntress 66.88 93.8%
jrmquitless 89.93 96.9%
rabeca_choudary 66.09 96.1%
rrapattoni 87.04 97.3%
tengugod 48.20 85.7%