Colin S.

This quote was added by blackhawkaau13
Let me help you. If you feel like your world is crashing down around you, open your phone, find my contact, and type, and don't stop till you feel better,.

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Name WPM Accuracy
inw_typer 170.00 100%
jacqueline1234 117.36 95.7%
truewpm 95.60 97.5%
mgraham 93.64 97.5%
golden_scoprion 88.19 99.4%
gebre 80.04 98.7%
the_hornburg 65.26 95.1%
user549935 61.71 98.1%
user58042 24.39 92.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
the_hornburg 65.26 95.1%
jacqueline1234 117.36 95.7%
truewpm 95.60 97.5%
user549935 61.71 98.1%
mgraham 93.64 97.5%
inw_typer 4.00 100%
inw_typer 170.00 100%
gebre 80.04 98.7%