Good Morning - Lin-Manuel Miranda

This quote was added by ashlyntypes
Out of the many tweets of Lin-Manuel, I think "Good morning. Sometimes staying under the covers seems like the best option. I feel you. But c'mon, let's go see what's out there." is my favorite.

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inw_typer 167.00 90.0%
lytewerk 105.25 95.1%
staylor1014 96.21 96.5%
kicko 88.25 94.2%
munchkinbug 85.96 93.7%
nicholasue 85.73 98.0%
lisaibrannen 76.26 94.6%
engl3king06 75.71 98.5%
user85658 75.48 99.0%
diamondrock 74.57 92.4%

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