Tap Titans 2 (13) - Rofel

This quote was added by rofel
When in a clan you have access bonus damage starting at 10% which can increase by fighting a boss. You also have the ability to purchase a clan crate at the cost of 500 diamonds which provides gold to every clan member.

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Name WPM Accuracy
mafuso 106.82 99.1%
colincastle1234 97.11 97.3%
user381085 93.84 88.0%
geryjs 91.60 91.6%
bbuell01 85.12 92.1%
pjmj 80.93 99.5%
gibbie 68.25 98.6%
lina2 65.96 96.1%
user88882 65.32 89.0%
diamondrock 65.15 89.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
mafuso 106.82 99.1%
lina2 65.96 96.1%
ck541 49.95 97.3%
tarek20 35.35 88.7%
gibbie 68.25 98.6%
user957814 52.39 87.0%
colincastle1234 97.11 97.3%
bigwhiteround1 36.06 84.9%