Creator vs Competitor - Wallace Wattles

This quote was added by prabinesh
Are you a creator or a competitor? "You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created." - Wallace Wattles -.

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jjp 6 years, 4 months ago
It is entirely unnecessary to include the name of the person to whom the quote is attributed too, in the body of the text.

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jgdude 105.77 97.1%
algo 87.11 93.9%
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soup_king 80.40 94.9%
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chieter 68.71 99.4%
bkbroiler 66.11 88.0%
diamondrock 66.06 90.3%

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shah_f1 42.64 90.9%
bkbroiler 66.11 88.0%
user107056 41.57 96%