Zero Experience professions that demand only skills in typing. - Gian Pena

This quote was added by gian
There are many jobs that pay 11 through 20 dollars an hour just for being proficient in typing. And surprisingly, you don't need to have any experience at all. You just need to be skilled in typing.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user747444 111.54 97.5%
deterdettol 107.32 99.0%
tdouglas14 104.30 98.0%
lbachner 103.84 97.1%
est3ban 103.56 97.5%
justinmoo 101.51 95.2%
algo 99.39 95.2%
bhojo31 99.16 97.1%
nicolewmym 98.77 99.5%
indigopush 98.77 89.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
jacqueline1234 96.03 96.1%
dante-didit 90.00 93.0%
maadj 59.63 88.8%
erasxed 57.94 86.1%
cholloway526 96.91 100%
kris10 55.86 97.1%
engl3king06 76.39 94.3%
gwaldrop 94.62 94.3%