Don't Slouch - Wei Mango

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Hey you! Yes, you. I'm talking to the person that is typing this quote. Want to know a secret on improving your typing speed? Stop slouching and straighten your back. A good posture will increase your lung capacity and improve the flow of oxygen to your brain, thus making you more agile.

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Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 97.32 95.0%
user90997 86.73 91.1%
maadj 65.79 95.0%
maheem 65.63 97.0%
mgraham 60.94 86.3%
user105144 55.77 95.7%
lynyhq 46.89 94.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
maadj 65.79 95.0%
maheem 65.63 97.0%
strikeemblem 97.32 95.0%
maheem 63.01 97.0%
user90997 86.73 91.1%
mgraham 60.94 86.3%
user105144 55.77 95.7%
lynyhq 46.89 94.4%