Typing: Automatization Process - J. de Vos

This quote was added by jeffreydv
My typing has improved dramatically during my time on Keyhero. In the beginning, I took it slow; focusing on accuracy. With increasing WPM, I swung around between WPM and accuracy like a pendulum. Then, always striving to be at least near or above my averages. But then, a peculiar moment happened: The Automatization Process. It's the moment where our conscious mind gives the typing controls over to the unconscious mind. Now... we have to trust ourselves and our capabilities.

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slowtyper237 4 months ago
Usually I type at my average but some days I feel like a typing god ... and other days I just can't type right at all

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Name WPM Accuracy
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jjanis334 106.02 98.0%
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spiritowl 101.07 95.0%
pcapriotti 100.11 95.2%
user100113 99.68 98.2%
strikeemblem 99.36 93.7%
theprivateeye 97.10 92.5%

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user97952 36.23 92.8%
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