melissa Powell Osborne

This quote was added by lissame73
I don;t want to be the quote-er. i want to be the quoted. I want to sit high on that mountain of wisdom and look down someday from my place in heaven and see that even in death, I said something so profound that my words, just simple words organized in a perfect sequence have out lived me, and shine on to guide the misguided still struggling to understand the life they have been gifted with.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
dimplings 100.72 99.0%
peepeepoopoo6969 91.95 93.4%
eas 78.18 98.3%
user99858 77.20 93.1%
user85658 73.01 97.5%
willowthewitch 72.74 97.3%
edwardg 71.62 96.8%
meganlocke 55.95 96.8%
superhulkbuda 53.40 94.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
willowthewitch 72.74 97.3%
meganlocke 55.95 96.8%
user99858 77.20 93.1%
eas 78.18 98.3%
superhulkbuda 53.40 94.7%
peepeepoopoo6969 91.95 93.4%
user85658 73.01 97.5%
edwardg 71.62 96.8%