Special - Anonymous

This quote was added by tree-hugger631
People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one you value. The truth is the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are SPECIAL too.

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geoffhuang 144.66 96%
rhonj 133.39 99.5%
nomi589 126.60 99.1%
vmlm 125.24 96.8%
marchtoglory 117.38 93.9%
shyhamhalder 113.68 97.3%
ender64 112.41 96.4%
megawiemer 109.72 98.6%
meredithmosser 109.33 100%
prodigy5723 108.47 97.3%

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snow94 93.67 95.6%
466454 44.74 97.7%
user107017 36.01 96.4%
ajpiatt 94.50 97.7%