Status #18 - Leilani Commons (ROSEPETAL)

This quote was added by lilcutieleilani
I sometimes feel like a horrible friend, despite me being unable to do anything to help because it's their bodies, actions, and behaviors, and not mine.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 175.40 95.6%
user491757 130.25 88.1%
blablablaaa 124.74 100%
user381085 105.50 88.9%
bkbroiler 104.85 97.4%
geryjs 104.00 95.6%
user830398 103.05 99.3%
astrid17 94.62 96.8%
acg_w 92.90 95.0%
user104405 90.16 96.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user468593 70.59 94.4%
user381085 105.50 88.9%
user830398 103.05 99.3%
blablablaaa 124.74 100%
petrolfume 89.12 90.5%
gm100 81.74 95%
the_hornburg 78.42 96.8%
cmontero94 66.23 87.9%