Space Buns - Leilani Commons (ROSEPETAL)

This quote was added by lilcutieleilani
I can't do space buns because the length of my hair goes down to my thighs and I'd just look like I have ridiculously large and disfigured devil horns made of hair above my head.

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Name WPM Accuracy
jan_londen 108.22 97.3%
gary123 94.71 93.7%
kicko 88.97 95.2%
magickings 87.48 94.7%
shyhamhalder 86.47 93.2%
marco4n4 80.26 96.2%
user57754 74.04 97.8%
msorscher 73.81 100%
lumberlyactions 67.57 93.7%
persei7 67.14 96.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
shyhamhalder 86.47 93.2%
msorscher 73.81 100%
lumberlyactions 67.57 93.7%
marco4n4 80.26 96.2%
kicko 88.97 95.2%
magickings 87.48 94.7%
skimblec 59.67 96.2%
callofthevoid 62.45 96.2%