

Rango 4766 / 327893
Número de juegos 0
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La velocidad se expresa en PPM (Palabras Por Minuto).
La exactitud indica el grado de precisión durante la prueba de mecanografía. 100% significa 0 errores.


gunner 15 años, 4 meses atrás
I just realized why I thought there was no feedback. there *is* no feedback. i mashed a bunch of random letters just now and ended up with 280 wpm with only (supposedly) 1 error,for 99% accuracy. of course, like all the rest of my races, the site didn't save it. what a shame. .
gunner 15 años, 4 meses atrás
i saw the comment you posted on the typeracer blog (before it got deleted i suppose) where you billed this site as a typeracer clone with your own improvements. you left out typeracer's biggest distinguishing factor and i fail to see what the improvements are. just being honest. that being said, i admire your effort and i'm eager to see what else you come up with.
gunner 15 años, 4 meses atrás
great, but there are a million websites out there where you can test your typing speed alone. typeracer took off b/cuz it added something different that nobody had done before...real-time competition. i just don't see what additional features your site brings to the table.
gunner 15 años, 4 meses atrás
also, it does not seem to save my races for some reason?
gunner 15 años, 4 meses atrás
uhhh i like this concept but to be honest, you have a lot of work to do to catch up with typeracer.
1. there's no "racing" here, i'm just typing alone
2. i cannot tell what word i am on at all when i go above 100 wpm, it lags several words behind where i am. plus, i can't tell when i've made a mistake. feedback is instantaneous on typeracer.

Pruebas de mecanografía recientes

Sin embargo, No hay juegos
Último inicio de sesión 15 años, 4 meses atrás
Fecha de ingreso 15 años, 4 meses atrás
Teclado / Ordenador Portátil N/A
Asignación de teclado N/A
Uso de la computadora N/A
Citas 0



