boring - sam234

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If you are board and want to play games and want to type go on this awesome website called typing test com and you will have lots of fun so type the typing test com.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
inw_typer 142.00 67%
aaranichias 41.86 84.6%
kiran999254 39.73 97.1%
srahmadzaid 39.45 89.7%
alturri 37.82 90.7%
jpcorrigan 34.33 83.9%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
inw_typer 120.00 98.7%
inw_typer 76.00 99.9%
inw_typer 131.00 90.9%
inw_typer 142.00 67%
srahmadzaid 39.45 89.7%
jpcorrigan 34.33 83.9%
kiran999254 39.73 97.1%
alturri 37.82 90.7%