Mistakes - Alyssa Unknown

This quote fue agregado por maroon1139
Have you ever heard of "mistakes." A lot of people don't want to admit that they make mistakes. But not everyone is the same. That's why we all make mistakes. Like this stupid typing tests that we are forced to take. We have to restart if we mess up if we get a bad grade. Mistakes. Are they that important?

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inw_typer 143.00 94.1%
shyhamhalder 108.59 96.2%
geryjs 107.83 95.6%
luvuranjeet 100.28 97.5%
jacqueline1234 96.30 94.2%
rrapattoni 91.75 95.9%
user97360 78.93 90.8%
ivoryrose13 67.94 92.7%
mikethegreat13 65.64 98.7%
prasanna483 33.67 97.8%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
mikethegreat13 65.64 98.7%
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jacqueline1234 96.30 94.2%
ivoryrose13 67.94 92.7%
rrapattoni 91.75 95.9%
luvuranjeet 100.28 97.5%