The Best Typing Sentence in the World! - Unknown

This quote fue agregado por hop.holly
Do you know how to type the sentence that uses all the letters in the alphabet because if you do then that's great. I'll give you a chance to type in here. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user98852 116.72 98.0%
memgo 101.96 96.2%
kcl 68.99 99.0%
tengugod 48.29 82.3%
user106562 23.45 91.7%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
user106562 23.45 91.7%
tengugod 48.29 82.3%
user98852 116.72 98.0%
kcl 68.99 99.0%
memgo 101.96 96.2%