Stop wasting - GrOUsE

This quote fue agregado por alsa
Do not waste your silver to cut diamonds. If possible I'd post only the first sentence. According to me, quotes are better shorter, as long as it is clear enough and meaningful.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
edwardg 82.10 100%
orp26 80.43 95.2%
bubstir05 78.28 93.2%
ihatemyself 73.03 95.7%
realfaker 50.77 94.7%
n4t320 29.36 79.9%
dcampolongo12 6.44 93.7%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
realfaker 50.77 94.7%
ihatemyself 73.03 95.7%
bubstir05 78.28 93.2%
n4t320 29.36 79.9%
dcampolongo12 6.44 93.7%
edwardg 82.10 100%
orp26 80.43 95.2%