Problems - Tanner D Patton

This quote fue agregado por jimmy905
If your having problems with him or her and you guys have took a break and you just feel like it not gonna work out so you sit there worrying. well just don't worry about even if you think he or she is the one and you can't live without them just inspect whatever will happen and if it's bad it will be alright because you can always find another and if that doesn't happen soon and you feel lonely hangout with close friends and family and maybe one of you close friends is someone your looking for.

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jadelaine2018 6 años atrás
That is actually some great advice. I get on here for typing practice at work. I am blocked from social media so I have to find other ways to navigate online and fill up these quiet moments in between phone calls. I just read the most immature post right before your post. SO thanks for being a person of substance, who actually has something intelligent and heartfelt to say. Peace to you and your family!

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