Pulse of the Maggots Speech - Slipknot

This quote fue agregado por plex_is_better
This is the year where hope fails you. The test subjects run the experiments and the bastard you know is the hero you hate. But cohesing is possible if we strive. There's no reason, there's no lesson, no time like the present. I'm telling you right now. What have you got to lose? What have you got to lose except your soul? Just listen.

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plex_is_better 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Yeah, Chris' departure kind of pissed me off slightly. I know a lot of people who are selling their tickets because of it, but I wouldn't go that far. Can't wait until that stretch from Early August - Early September, new album for one, and I get to finally see them perform live. Also, apparently he's still employed by Slipknot according to his lawyer. Hopefully this means that they can all sort it out and he can possibly, very slim chance though, come back and play for the band.
endvisible 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Just a couple of transcription and punctuation mistakes: I've submitted the corrections. My advice is to use less commas (they aren't used to indicate pauses; you should either end the sentence or use ellipses). I'm glad you submitted this, because I love Slipknot; super excited for album number six, despite Chris' leaving.

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